Join us a we travel on a year long sabbatical while refusing single use plastics.


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Preschool or South America


Shortly after Anja was born it dawned on us that we would have two children in preschool for two years in a row.  Our two children are only 18 months apart and with Anderson being a September birthday he just misses the cut-off for Kindergarten meaning he would need to spend yet another year in preschool. 

We Rented the House


There are so many little details that have gone in to planning this trip and then are the BIG events that must happen in order for the dream to come to fruition.  Renting our house was one of the biggest pieces of the sabbatical puzzle.  This will pay our mortgage while we are away, as well as provide us with some needed income to support our $100 a day budget.

Opt-in or Opt-out


What does it really mean to live an opt-out life for a year?  Upon scrolling our Instagram page I am sure this looks like a croissant-walk.  Gallivanting around Europe counting stonesteps and turrets while eating pastries along kilometers of dreamy beaches.  Sure, we don’t have jobs to go to everyday. So in that sense we have opted-out, but in so many other ways we have opted in; straight in and with nowhere else to go.



β€œWork, Travel, Save, Repeat!”